Due September 24, 2012

Due June 28, 2015

Friday, September 21, 2012

Caroline Olivia Groves

At 1:48am on September 3 our precious baby arrived. She weighed 5lbs. 14oz and was 19.5 inches long. She had strong lungs and it was music to our ears!!

The surgery went very well and seemed quick. Nick was by my side the entire time and before we knew it, baby Caroline was in our arms.

Proud Daddy!!!

Caroline was sent to the nursery to get a quick bath and initial shots and screening. Nick and headed to recovery where we spent time soaking in the moment and beaming!! I couldn't wait to get back to our room so love on our girl.

Our first family photo (approx 5am...after 2 days of no sleep).

My two favorite people in the world!!

The Waiting Game--September 2

It's Sunday morning and my hospital room is filled with family. Nick and I have only gotten a few hours of sleep. His was uncomfortable as he was trying to stretch out on a very small couch, bench type thingy. I was at least in a bed....but nurses and doctors were in every 30 minutes to check my blood pressure, contractions, baby heart beat, or progress. Needless to say...we were running on adrenaline and Schulers donuts.

Unfortunately, the pitocin wasn't working as much as we had all hoped. Contractions were starting to get stronger but still not painful. I was getting very anxious and tired....but still so excited and convinced we were going to meet our daughter sooner than later!!

My nurses were amazing!! Megan and Charissa were the sweetest, most attentive women I could have wanted there to care for me. I was so lucky!!

Finally around midnight, the doctors suggested we really think about a c-section. It has been 24 hours since my water broke and I was only 4cm dilated. Baby girl was not descending and all the "tricks" the doctors and nurses knew to try weren't working.

The surgery prep started and we were in the operating room by 1am....

First OSU game....

Let me set the stage....
It is September 1st and Ohio State is playing Miami University. I am feeling VERY pregnant but excited that football season is here and so is our daughters birth month!!
Buckeyes win!!! Fast forward to 9pm....I decide I have had enough football for the day and head upstairs to watch TV. I can't get comfortable in bed so I decided to take a shower to relax (So glad I did this...since I didn't get a shower for another 3 days). At 11pm, I climb back in bed and start dozing off to nonsense TV on E! Then I feel it....water.....as I jump up and quickly walk to the restroom, I yell for Nick. By the time he gets upstairs I am convinced my water has broken.

Since I wasn't having contractions (not strong ones, anyway) we paged the doctor and she told us to head to the hospital. I finished packing my bag....this was on the to-do list for the weekend but since I was only 36 weeks 5 days, I assumed I had time. I even loaded the dishwasher before heading out the door.
We laughed because the way that we pictured this moment in our heads wasn't anything like it played out in reality. It was very calm and exciting....not at all frantic or scary.

We got to OSU Medical Center around midnight. I was admitted, hooked up to an IV, and we were both told to try to get some sleep because I was only about 1.5 cm dilated. Sleep...yeah right??

Monday, August 27, 2012

9 Months Pregnant....

I can't even believe I am 36 weeks and in my 9th month of pregnancy!!

Kind of a crazy week...on Wednesday evening my doctor called and said some of my blood work had come back "concerning" and she wanted to admit me to the hospital for at least 24 hours of monitoring....so off to OSU we went. We were very nervous, anxious, unsure, of what to expect but it almost felt like a test run for the real thing. We got a surprise ultrasound because the doctor wanted to make sure that she was in the right position in the event I needed to deliver. She is estimated to be just shy of 6lbs and is head down!!

After a day and half in the hospital, lots of blood draws, and very little sleep they were able to rule out preeclampsia (great news). Every time they put the monitor on my belly (for 20 minutes at a time) to follow Carli's heartbeat the nurse or doctor came back and said it was "perfect". One nurse even said she looked "textbook perfect". We were such proud parents!! They released me Friday afternoon and had determined that my platelet count was low. Normal range is 150-400....mine were ranging from 111-133....and down to 100 right before I was discharged. This poses no risk to me or baby but could eliminate pain management options during labor and delivery (mainly no epidural if platelets keep falling).

Today I went for my 36 week appt and of course, they drew blood again (results will be in tomorrow) but she also checked and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated. This doesn't tell us much except I am in pre-labor. I wasn't dilated at all a week ago....next week we will really see if we are progressing. Exciting!!!! It won't be long....

How far along? 36  weeks
Total weight gain: 29 lbs!!
Maternity clothes? Noticing my belly hanging out of some tanks I wear around the house....very sexy!!  
Stretch marks? a few :(
Sleep:  Not great...on top of frequent bathroom trips and  difficulty rolling over, I now have pregnancy carpel tunnel in my right hand. Apparently caused by swelling and extra blood. So basically pins and needles type feeling CONSTANTLY. So annoying and wakes me up A LOT! 
Best moment this week: Knowing she is healthy and perfect!!
Miss Anything?  I miss a lot of things but realizing that I may even miss (certain) parts of pregnancy when it is over.
Movement:  She is moving and rolling....I love it!
Food cravings:  Ice cream....and of course, FRUIT!  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No
Gender:  All girl!!
Labor Signs:  Some contractions but no pattern....1.5 cm dilated.....lots of pressure.
Symptoms: swollen feet and ankles, carpel tunnel, frequent trips to the ladies room.
Belly Button in or out? In...but I feel like it could pop any day!
Wedding rings on or off?  Off.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotional week but still very HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Buckeye football this Saturday and time with my hubby before we are a family of three!!!

Nursery is done!!!

The nursery is officially finished and ready for baby!!! I love the way it turned out. It even smells like baby...thanks to lots of clean clothes and blankets. The baby powder on her changing table could be the reason too:)

View from the doorway....

Full of adorable baby clothes, soft blankets, and diaper supplies.

Table beside the rocker that her daddy painted and assembled.

Filling up shelves with books, hair bows, rattles, a piggy bank and a CD player on top for soft lullaby's.

Love the mural and crib :)

View from the corner near the window.

Can't wait for the finishing touch.....Caroline Olivia!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Maternity Pics

I had a old friend of mine offer to take a few maternity photos for me as well as photograph my baby shower. She did a fantastic idea and I can't wait to have them all printed and create a scrapbook for Caroline.

Here are a few of my favorites....

Monday, August 20, 2012

Couples Shower

Saturday was our couples shower hosted by Susan. It was such a great time!! All of Grandpa Sam and Grandma Susan's friends were there. Otherwise known as "surrogate grandparents". Everyone is so excited about this little one.
The decorations were adorable....
Loved the theme!!

 We received some beautiful handmade gifts including a few blankets, embroidered handkerchiefs from Great-Grandma Groves, and lots of precious baby girl clothes! We also got several packages of diapers...which we really needed. We now have over 500 diapers.....that should get us through a month or so. HA!

Loved having Nick there to help open gifts.

Cute clothes pin bag of goodies....it just kept going and was so adorable!!!

The gang....Loretta is covering her face with the super soft baby blanket from Cindy.

I LOVE  tradition and can't wait to start our own with Caroline. I can't stop looking at these gorgeous embroidered handkerchiefs from her Great-Grandma Groves. They are precious and we will definitely keep them forever and give them to her. I picture baptisms and her wedding day....

We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family surrounding us. This is one loved  little girl!!!

Lucky number 35!!

Only 35 days until the due date....and hitting 35 weeks pregnant today!! I am definitely getting anxious to meet our little girl...not to mention I am totally over swollen feet, lack of sleep, and know serious pressure. Baby girl is the size of a honeydew melon....coming in at around 5lbs!! I can tell she has put on weight!!

How far along? 35  weeks
Total weight gain: 29 lbs!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!! And I feel like some of those aren't fitting as well.  
Stretch marks? very light ones on lower belly....hoping they fade:(
Sleep:   If I get 3 straight hours without waking up to roll over (which isn't easy) or pee...then I am happy!!
Best moment this week: Getting her rocking chair and finishing up her room!! 
Miss Anything?  Cute shoes!! I am so tired of wearing flip flops every day! 
Movement:  Not only movement but I even feel it when she has the hiccups! Love it!
Food cravings:  Grapes!! Well, fruit in general.  
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No
Gender:  It's a girl!!
Labor Signs:  Braxton hicks and serious pelvic pressure the last several days...but don't think I have actually "dropped"
Symptoms: Still giant feet and ankles 
Belly Button in or out? It is in...but barely...pretty shallow at this point.
Wedding rings on or off?  Off...I can't wait to wear my rings again.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SO happy (and tired).
Looking forward to: Labor day...both the "real" one and the 3-day weekend one.
We are putting the finishing touches on her room and I will post pictures in the next week or so. Here are a few sneak peaks though....
Love, love, love the glider we got...it is so comfortable!!

These are a few of her "friends". Just chillin' in her crib awaiting her arrival :)

Loved this glass jar I got at my shower filled with onesies and hats. I couldn't decide what to do with it
so I decided to fill it with her hair bows and ribbons. It works perfect!

Closet filled with beautiful clothes, diapers, and other baby necessities.


Monday, August 13, 2012

34 Weeks!!

Only 6 weeks to go!!!

I had a doctors appointment today and everything was perfect! Strong baby heartbeat, good measurements, and the doctor estimated Caroline at 7lbs at birth. I am so anxious to see if that is right!!

Here is my most recent picture (taken yesterday).

Her lungs are fully developed and she is just going to grow and put on weight for the next several weeks. The doctor said that if I was to go into labor at this point they wouldn't do anything to stop it....ahh....we are getting so close!

Other things we have done this week....
-Completed pre-registration paperwork for the hospital to expedite check-in on the big day.
-Joined www.diapers.com and ordered a pack of 250 pampers.
-Purchased Caroline her first OSU jersey.
-Organized her clothes by size and season and put everything in drawers and closet (this was so fun).
-Finished washing all the baby blankets, burp clothes, and towels.
-Locked up childcare and got approval for alternative schedule after maternity leave (woohooo!!!)
-Purchased a small side table to sit next to the rocker in her room.

Things on the agenda for this week...
-Paint the side table for her room.
-Pick out "baby going home" outfit.
-Pack hospital bag.
-Purchase additional car seat base.
-Finish organizing baby bath supplies.
-Clean and sweep out cars.

We still have lots to do but we are getting everything done and enjoying every moment preparing for our precious baby girl!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Funny Story!!

Dayton has never been very fond of anything with a face (ie: stuffed animals, snowman, and now rubber duckies). I got a few rubber duckies for bath time for Caroline and they are sitting in the bathtub of our second bathroom with the baby tub....long story but I have been using the baby tub to soak my "tootsies" a few times a week.
He has become obsessed with the duckies and is very intrigued. The last several months when I go upstairs I always send him first so he doesn't get under my feet....since my baby shower he gets to the top of the stairs turns left and heads straight to check on his little yellow friends. Before I even get to the top of the stairs I can hear his nails on the bathroom floor and when I get there his head is buried in the bathtub.
Here is his view.....
And here he is looking slightly guilty....

He has actually been really good with all the changes in our house....the biggest of change, yet to come and he has no idea. He is super protective of me and is always under my feet, sleeping by my side of the bed, and resting his furry chin on my belly.
We think he will make a great "big brother"

Thursday, August 9, 2012

33 weeks!!

How is it possible that I am 8 1/2 months pregnant?? My stomach is contouring into odd shapes as I sit here typing this. At times I feel like the days and weeks have been dragging by since that positive pregnancy test in January but when I reflect it has really gone by so fast and now I look to the future and can't wait to hold our baby girl in 6 weeks!!

I am a little late posting the blog for week 33....as I am more than half way to week 34 but I am just so stinkin' tired at the end of a work day that all I want to do is put up my swollen "tootsies" (as Nick lovingly refers to my giant feet)
Yes, I took pictures of my feet to some day remember....

Last weekend we assembled baby gear and I must admit the whole experience was much more fun than either of us imagined. Nick was pushing the stroller around the house and I was ready to take it for a walk (empty) around the neighborhood. We also realized how simply a pack-n-play does not pack....but it sure is cute!!! Here is a picture of her gray and purple car seat/stroller combo! I love it!

How far along? 33 1/2  weeks
Total weight gain: 25 lbs...still convinced some of that could be swelling
Maternity clothes? Pretty much...or maxi dresses.
Stretch marks? Just a few. I am going through lotion like crazy!!
Sleep:   I miss sleeping on my stomach....I wake up at least 4 times a night to pee....I often have 2-3 hours of insomnia a night....needless to say, my sleep schedule sucks!!!
Best moment this week: Spending some quaility time with Nick.
Miss Anything?  feeling "normal" and being able to walk fast (HA)
Movement:  Oh yes, more of a rolling feeling now than hard kicks. I think she is getting a little cramped in there.
Food cravings:  Still loving fruit...could eat it for every meal.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No....but the smell of ketchup was not a good feeling the other day.
Gender:  It's a girl!!
Labor Signs:  Braxton hicks can get pretty powerful at times.   
Symptoms: VERY swollen feet and ankles.  
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  Off and sad about it:(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Giddy!!
Looking forward to: Organizing her drawers and closets this weekend.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Shower

Yesterday was  my baby shower and it was perfect!! My mom and sister did an amazing job on decorations, food, and making it personal. A few of my favorite things....if I had to pick a few....
the "love knot" blanket my mom made. Everyone got to tie a little love knot!! The baby pool....I can't wait to see who guessed correctly!! I was overwhelmed with the generosity of my friends and family. This is one loved little girl and she isn't even here yet. I am so excited to bring her into a world with so many amazing people who will love and support her...and looks like they will spoil her too :)

I  haven't seen many pictures yet but here are a few....
So many beautiful treats....

pictures of me as a newborn...and more sweet treats:)

My awesome photographer took a few maternity shots before the shower...these are my two favorites so far!!

 This totally proves the best packages come with pink bows :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

31 weeks....

How cool is it to be 31 weeks pregnant on my 31st bday??!! This year was extra special since we are getting so close to meeting our baby girl!!!

We are in full baby prep mode!!! We purchased her mattress last week. The crib just needs a baby now:) My baby shower is this Sunday and I am getting really excited.....I hate not being a part of the party planning because I love that kind of stuff but I know that it will be beautiful and all of my favorite people will be there. I have gotten a few gifts in the mail already from friends and family that can't attend....who doesn't like a package in the mail!!!

Adorable pink clothes hamper, super stylish gray and pink diaper bag and fun tummy time mat will all the bells and whistles to play with.

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: 21 lbs...doctor thinks some could be the swelling in my feet
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Just a few on my lower belly....hoping lotion will fade them.
Sleep:  Still waking up several times a night to use the restroom and sometimes stay awake....for like 2 hours. Not cool!
Best moment this week: My birthday and the perfect card from Nick.
Miss Anything?  My waist and some of my clothes....
Movement:  Everyday and I love it!!
Food cravings:  Still loving fruit...could eat it for every meal.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No.
Gender:  It's a girl!!
Labor Signs:  No....and they better not start for at least 6 more weeks.  
Symptoms: VERY swollen feet and ankles.  
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? Off for the last week and I am afraid to put them back on because I don't want to have to have them cut off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy....but I get grumpy when I am tired.
Looking forward to: Baby shower on Sunday!
We have our final ultrasound tomorrow. I am excited to see how big she is and make sure she is still "in position". It is so crazy to think she could be here in as little as 6 weeks.....we are so excited!!!