Due September 24, 2012

Due June 28, 2015

Friday, September 21, 2012

Caroline Olivia Groves

At 1:48am on September 3 our precious baby arrived. She weighed 5lbs. 14oz and was 19.5 inches long. She had strong lungs and it was music to our ears!!

The surgery went very well and seemed quick. Nick was by my side the entire time and before we knew it, baby Caroline was in our arms.

Proud Daddy!!!

Caroline was sent to the nursery to get a quick bath and initial shots and screening. Nick and headed to recovery where we spent time soaking in the moment and beaming!! I couldn't wait to get back to our room so love on our girl.

Our first family photo (approx 5am...after 2 days of no sleep).

My two favorite people in the world!!

The Waiting Game--September 2

It's Sunday morning and my hospital room is filled with family. Nick and I have only gotten a few hours of sleep. His was uncomfortable as he was trying to stretch out on a very small couch, bench type thingy. I was at least in a bed....but nurses and doctors were in every 30 minutes to check my blood pressure, contractions, baby heart beat, or progress. Needless to say...we were running on adrenaline and Schulers donuts.

Unfortunately, the pitocin wasn't working as much as we had all hoped. Contractions were starting to get stronger but still not painful. I was getting very anxious and tired....but still so excited and convinced we were going to meet our daughter sooner than later!!

My nurses were amazing!! Megan and Charissa were the sweetest, most attentive women I could have wanted there to care for me. I was so lucky!!

Finally around midnight, the doctors suggested we really think about a c-section. It has been 24 hours since my water broke and I was only 4cm dilated. Baby girl was not descending and all the "tricks" the doctors and nurses knew to try weren't working.

The surgery prep started and we were in the operating room by 1am....

First OSU game....

Let me set the stage....
It is September 1st and Ohio State is playing Miami University. I am feeling VERY pregnant but excited that football season is here and so is our daughters birth month!!
Buckeyes win!!! Fast forward to 9pm....I decide I have had enough football for the day and head upstairs to watch TV. I can't get comfortable in bed so I decided to take a shower to relax (So glad I did this...since I didn't get a shower for another 3 days). At 11pm, I climb back in bed and start dozing off to nonsense TV on E! Then I feel it....water.....as I jump up and quickly walk to the restroom, I yell for Nick. By the time he gets upstairs I am convinced my water has broken.

Since I wasn't having contractions (not strong ones, anyway) we paged the doctor and she told us to head to the hospital. I finished packing my bag....this was on the to-do list for the weekend but since I was only 36 weeks 5 days, I assumed I had time. I even loaded the dishwasher before heading out the door.
We laughed because the way that we pictured this moment in our heads wasn't anything like it played out in reality. It was very calm and exciting....not at all frantic or scary.

We got to OSU Medical Center around midnight. I was admitted, hooked up to an IV, and we were both told to try to get some sleep because I was only about 1.5 cm dilated. Sleep...yeah right??