Due September 24, 2012

Due June 28, 2015

Saturday, March 31, 2012

14 weeks is a blur....

I am a little behind posting for week 14 since it flew by! Monday night Nick rushed me to the ER because I was having terrible stomach pains...pain that had me bent over unable to breath. After 14 hours in the ER, I was admitted to OSU Medical Center and scheduled for gallbladder surgery Wednesday morning. My white blood count was very high and indicated infection was setting in and they saw 4 small gallstones....apparently the smaller the more dangerous because they can squeeze into small places and cause pain.
The doctors were wonderful. They consulted my OB and assured us that the second trimester was the best and safest time to have surgery. I was scared to death!!! Wednesday morning I had my gallbladder removed and came through surgery just fine. They said it was really bad and really needed to come out. They monitored the baby before and after surgery and we always had a strong heartbeat. The surgeon decided to keep me an additional night just to monitor me and baby and make sure the anesthesia had all worn off.
Thursday afternoon I came home and slept so good for the first time in days...hospitals are not the place to rest since they wake you up every 2 hours to take your vitals, draw blood, offer you jello, or some other annoying reason.
We are home and healing. Feeling a little better everyday but still moving around pretty slowly. Nick has been wonderful. I am SO lucky to have him!!

We had anticipated this week being a big exciting week since we were learning baby Groves gender but I don't think anyone thought it would be this kind of BIG week!! It sure did make the time go fast though.....

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